Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces (May 31)

As I was preparing to learn about another apparition of Mary or another name for Mary, I stumbled over this one.  I had never heard of “Mediatrix of All Graces” in the past.  Therefore, I felt that it was worth looking into.  Why is that name given to Mary?  Let’s find out.

Father William G. Most wrote this about our Lady (source:

Closely related to the Catholic teaching on Mary’s cooperation in the redemption is the teaching that, with through and under her Son, she is Mediatrix of all graces. What exactly does this mean?

My curiosity was at its highest now when I discovered that Pope Benedict XVI (16) referred to Mary as Mediatrix in his resignation letter in 2013.

Again, Pope John Paul II referred to Mary as such seven times during his papacy.  And before Vatican II, other Popes had referred to her as Mediatrix.

I also found in the US bishops catechism files the following declaration about Mary being the Mediatrix of All Graces.

“This motherhood of Mary in the order of grace continues uninterruptedly from the consent which she loyally gave at the Annunciation and which she sustained without wavering beneath the cross, until the eternal fulfilment of all the elect. Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation . . . .  Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.”

Marie, médiatrice de toute grâce  Ce titre lui est donc donné à cause de sa maternité. Bossuet résume magnifiquement bien : « Ayant mis au monde l’auteur de la grâce, elle est associée à toutes les grâces.»

« Je suis Marie, médiatrice de toutes grâces » Le 12 septembre 2015, l’Eglise a reconnu officiellement les apparitions de la Vierge Marie à Lipa (Philippines), datant de 1948.  Il s’agit de la 17e apparition mariale reconnue dans l’Église catholique, et la première aux Philippines.


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